Jordan apple memoji

jordan yep

Product Designer

5+ years experience launching features from 0>1, implementing design tokens and systems, and building for accessibility across enterprise and startups.

Currently @ Jostle – as lead designer for Jostle Search. I've also spoken at the Stockholm Xperience Conference and the Vancouver UXxUX Conference.

Previously @ SAP & City of Vancouver

Jostle Dark Mode + Tokens

Bringing accessibility to the Jostle platform with the implementation of dark mode
MyCredit phone mocks

Plan Your Vote – Increasing usage by 48%

Improving web accessibility for voting at the City of Vancouver

Bringing voice search to SAP Analytics mobile apps

Helping business gain AI insights through NLP at SAP Analytics Cloud
Bonus Projects:
MyCredit phone mocks

Vancity MyCredit – supporting financial well-being through credit scores

Credit score awareness, management, goal-setting, and education for Vancity Credit Union
2019 RGD Student Award of Excellence for Strategic Design
Frontlog Podcast

Frontlog Podcast

Creating a visual identity, brand, and web development